Coach KiranHR Business Partner #RideTheWave is an absolutely incredible learning experience taught by two hugely talented, credible and personable individuals. The course is well thought out and planned, with a fantastic balance of learning material, practical learning and reflection. The growth of every individual as a coach was apparent as each training day passed. The coaching I received from my peers has also been life changing. The significance and thought put into an extremely diverse cohort is simply fantastic!
Coach NiallFormer CEO considering his 'what next'... I went on this programme for my own personal development and discovered a transformational experience. Over three weekends with a fantastic group of people I learnt a range of techniques with tools to support them.I got to coach and be coached allowing me time for my own deep reflection that added to the benefit and experience.This was all delivered in a great environment by two highly skilled coach leaders. Needless to say I highly recommend this programme.